
[Unity3D] Fade in/out script

Binceline 2012. 11. 12. 17:36

출처 : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=FadeInOut

Another Fade Script in C#, Extended Singleton


Original Source: Kentyman Extended Source: dannyskim

I wanted to extend the functionality of Kentyman's implementation, so I decided to do a few things.

   - Make it into a Singleton so I don't have to write various amounts of code everywhere to do the same thing.  
      The singleton also takes care of cleanup, which also involves not having to worry about a loose cannon OnGUI() sucking up resources.
   - I almost never use Color to Color fades.  I typically use Alpha fades of one color, feel free to add the Color to Color fade if you wish.
   - Add an OnComplete() Action. I typically will use fades in scene transitions, so it's handy to pass in the instruction to 
      load a level instead of having to write a method every time you want to.

To use this Singleton, all you have to do is:

CameraFade.StartAlphaFade( Color.white, false, 2f, 2f, () => { Application.LoadLevel(1); } );

The above will fade out to a White screen, after a delay of two seconds. The fade will take two seconds, and then it will Load Level 1, and then automatically destroy itself, cleaning up the private static reference. It will also destroy itself after the OnFinish() call, preventing OnGUI() from running anymore.

Note: As of now, Lambda Expressions are not currently supported in the Flash beta of Unity3D, but regular Actions still are. To forego the possibility of Lambda Expressions breaking your .swf, simply pass in a void method instead of the Lambda Expression for OnComplete().

CameraFade.StartAlphaFade( Color.white, false, 2f, 2f, loadLevelOnComplete(1) );
void loadLevelOnComplete( int levelIndex )

Since it is a singleton, the above line of code is all you have to do. No instantiating, no disabling the script, no finding the script via GetComponent<>(), etc. Nice and easy.

Source (CameraFade.cs)

using UnityEngine;
using System;
public class CameraFade : MonoBehaviour
	private static CameraFade mInstance = null;
	private static CameraFade instance
			if( mInstance == null )
				mInstance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(CameraFade)) as CameraFade;
				if( mInstance == null )
					mInstance = new GameObject("CameraFade").AddComponent<CameraFade>();
			return mInstance;
	void Awake()
		if( mInstance == null )
			mInstance = this as CameraFade;
	public GUIStyle m_BackgroundStyle = new GUIStyle();						// Style for background tiling
	public Texture2D m_FadeTexture;											// 1x1 pixel texture used for fading
	public Color m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor = new Color(0,0,0,0);			// default starting color: black and fully transparrent
	public Color m_TargetScreenOverlayColor = new Color(0,0,0,0);			// default target color: black and fully transparrent
	public Color m_DeltaColor = new Color(0,0,0,0);							// the delta-color is basically the "speed / second" at which the current color should change
	public int m_FadeGUIDepth = -1000;										// make sure this texture is drawn on top of everything
	public float m_FadeDelay = 0;
	public Action m_OnFadeFinish = null;
	// Initialize the texture, background-style and initial color:
	public void init()
		instance.m_FadeTexture = new Texture2D(1, 1);        
        instance.m_BackgroundStyle.normal.background = instance.m_FadeTexture;
	// Draw the texture and perform the fade:
	void OnGUI()
		// If delay is over...
		if( Time.time > instance.m_FadeDelay )
			// If the current color of the screen is not equal to the desired color: keep fading!
			if (instance.m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor != instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor)
				// If the difference between the current alpha and the desired alpha is smaller than delta-alpha * deltaTime, then we're pretty much done fading:
				if (Mathf.Abs(instance.m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor.a - instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor.a) < Mathf.Abs(instance.m_DeltaColor.a) * Time.deltaTime)
					instance.m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor = instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor;
					instance.m_DeltaColor = new Color( 0,0,0,0 );
					if( instance.m_OnFadeFinish != null )
					// Fade!
					SetScreenOverlayColor(instance.m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor + instance.m_DeltaColor * Time.deltaTime);
		// Only draw the texture when the alpha value is greater than 0:
		if (m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor.a > 0)
    		GUI.depth = instance.m_FadeGUIDepth;
    		GUI.Label(new Rect(-10, -10, Screen.width + 10, Screen.height + 10), instance.m_FadeTexture, instance.m_BackgroundStyle);
	/// <summary>
	/// Sets the color of the screen overlay instantly.  Useful to start a fade.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name='newScreenOverlayColor'>
	/// New screen overlay color.
	/// </param>
	private static void SetScreenOverlayColor(Color newScreenOverlayColor)
		instance.m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor = newScreenOverlayColor;
		instance.m_FadeTexture.SetPixel(0, 0, instance.m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor);
 	/// <summary>
 	/// Starts the fade from color newScreenOverlayColor. If isFadeIn, start fully opaque, else start transparent.
 	/// </summary>
 	/// <param name='newScreenOverlayColor'>
 	/// Target screen overlay Color.
 	/// </param>
 	/// <param name='fadeDuration'>
 	/// Fade duration.
 	/// </param>
	public static void StartAlphaFade(Color newScreenOverlayColor, bool isFadeIn, float fadeDuration )
		if (fadeDuration <= 0.0f)		
			if( isFadeIn )
				instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor = new Color( newScreenOverlayColor.r, newScreenOverlayColor.g, newScreenOverlayColor.b, 0 );
				SetScreenOverlayColor( newScreenOverlayColor );
			} else {
				instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor = newScreenOverlayColor;
				SetScreenOverlayColor( new Color( newScreenOverlayColor.r, newScreenOverlayColor.g, newScreenOverlayColor.b, 0 ) );
			instance.m_DeltaColor = (instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor - instance.m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor) / fadeDuration;	
	/// <summary>
	/// Starts the fade from color newScreenOverlayColor. If isFadeIn, start fully opaque, else start transparent, after a delay.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name='newScreenOverlayColor'>
	/// New screen overlay color.
	/// </param>
	/// <param name='fadeDuration'>
	/// Fade duration.
	/// </param>
	/// <param name='fadeDelay'>
	/// Fade delay.
	/// </param>
	public static void StartAlphaFade(Color newScreenOverlayColor, bool isFadeIn, float fadeDuration, float fadeDelay )
		if (fadeDuration <= 0.0f)		
			instance.m_FadeDelay = Time.time + fadeDelay;			
			if( isFadeIn )
				instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor = new Color( newScreenOverlayColor.r, newScreenOverlayColor.g, newScreenOverlayColor.b, 0 );
				SetScreenOverlayColor( newScreenOverlayColor );
			} else {
				instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor = newScreenOverlayColor;
				SetScreenOverlayColor( new Color( newScreenOverlayColor.r, newScreenOverlayColor.g, newScreenOverlayColor.b, 0 ) );
			instance.m_DeltaColor = (instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor - instance.m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor) / fadeDuration;
	/// <summary>
	/// Starts the fade from color newScreenOverlayColor. If isFadeIn, start fully opaque, else start transparent, after a delay, with Action OnFadeFinish.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name='newScreenOverlayColor'>
	/// New screen overlay color.
	/// </param>
	/// <param name='fadeDuration'>
	/// Fade duration.
	/// </param>
	/// <param name='fadeDelay'>
	/// Fade delay.
	/// </param>
	/// <param name='OnFadeFinish'>
	/// On fade finish, doWork().
	/// </param>
	public static void StartAlphaFade(Color newScreenOverlayColor, bool isFadeIn, float fadeDuration, float fadeDelay, Action OnFadeFinish )
		if (fadeDuration <= 0.0f)		
			instance.m_OnFadeFinish = OnFadeFinish;
			instance.m_FadeDelay = Time.time + fadeDelay;
			if( isFadeIn )
				instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor = new Color( newScreenOverlayColor.r, newScreenOverlayColor.g, newScreenOverlayColor.b, 0 );
				SetScreenOverlayColor( newScreenOverlayColor );
			} else {
				instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor = newScreenOverlayColor;
				SetScreenOverlayColor( new Color( newScreenOverlayColor.r, newScreenOverlayColor.g, newScreenOverlayColor.b, 0 ) );
			instance.m_DeltaColor = (instance.m_TargetScreenOverlayColor - instance.m_CurrentScreenOverlayColor) / fadeDuration;
	void Die()
		mInstance = null;
	void OnApplicationQuit()
		mInstance = null;
